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Do What You Can, When You Can

Something happens between the time your kids are in 1st and 2nd grade and high school. Life ZOOMS forward at a pace you never knew possible, and never anticipated. You get so immersed in life with children you don't have time for much else. The school days, soccer practices, dance recitals, swim meets, scout meetings, piano lessons and practice, band, chorus, church, playdates, birthday parties, PTA meetings, carnivals, tournaments, camps, field trips, hair cuts, dentist and doctor appointments, clothes shopping, baking, cooking, etc etc consume you until you look up and they are almost grown. I have so many moms of teenagers who come to me and confess with so much needless guilt that the last family pictures they had were when their children were toddlers. They feel bad about it and are determined to make up for lost time.

Ditch the guilt! I'm 100% sure those years are documented on your phone and computer (don't forget to print them - seriously). It's never too late for family portraits. Do what you can when you can, and that is all you can do. That is more than enough.  

Malibu Beach family Photographer
Family Photographer Ventura County
Southern California Beach Photographer

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Welcome Home

There are very few things in life happier than a military homecoming. I'm always honored when I'm asked to photograph one. This one was no exception. These families said goodbye to their loved ones last November. Their arrival kept getting postponed, but finally it was time for them to come home this last Tuesday. What a joyful moment it was to see them finally arrive and all of the family members make a run for it, even in heals and beautiful dresses. 

The slideshow shows the whole story. It made me tear up, and I had been looking at these images for hours. There's just no way to fake the raw emotion their reunion. Thank you Grace for asking me to photograph your special moment.

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